Things I've made to leave my carbon footprints on the universe.
I've worked on various projects ranging from educational platforms to algorithm visualizers. Here are some of my notable works that showcase my skills in full-stack development, AI integration, and interactive visualizations.
A full-stack educational platform featuring AI Chat Bot, Resource management, and secure File Sharing system integrated with Google Drive API.
ReactNode.jsMongoDBGroq APIGoogle Drive APIView Project
Real-time algorithm visualization platform showcasing Dijkstra, A*, BFS and DFS pathfinding algorithms with an adaptive grid system and local storage configuration.
JavaScriptHTML5CSS3Local Storage APIView Project
NQueen Visualizer
A graphical implementation of a classic algorithmic challenge where the goal is to place N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
JavaScriptReactAlgorithm VisualizationKnow more
Float Fall Bouncing
A simple Physics Simulator that shows effects of gravity in different mediums and environments built using the Pygame library.
PythonPygamePhysics SimulationKnow more
Multistep Form
a form of multi purpose multi step form.
ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSKnow more
Survival Predictor
A machine-learning model that predicts the survival of the fittest.
PythonMachine LearningScikit-learnKnow more